Rivka -Chana Zorea
Rivka was born in California and has lived in Alaska with her family for over 30 years. Art is a means of expression, a second language that has always been in her life. For the past three years, however, she has discovered the freedom involved in Encaustic medium. There can never be a duplicated encaustic painting, it flows with each brush stroke to its own rhythm and movement. From the bright colors and sensual fragrance of the hot wax, this way of expression contains no limits, no borders to the imagination. Each brush stroke can take on its own life separate from the intentions of the artist as it flows with the hot wax...this medium speaks to the soul of the artist.
“art is the elevation of the mundane to the spiritual”
Amy Hunt
Working out of her studio in her back yard, Amy’s love for Encaustic painting has grown. Color is the essence of encaustic medium. She starts a piece with an idea and concept in mind and begins on the background using a marbling technique where many colors are infused with the giving it the appearance of marble. Another technique she uses, is to etch in the wax using an oil stick. This gives her the opportunity to explore detail in her paintings finding inspiration everywhere and I gravitating towards beauty and humor.
Dot Tideman
Dot’s degree in art led her to working in many different mediums but she desired to find a process to combine all mediums into one piece. She found this in Encaustic painting. For fifty years she has traveled over the world poking into alleys, old shops and visiting homes, collecting ideas and art pieces to incorporate into her art. She impress these objects and ideas into the creamy bees wax creating a new surprise every time while choosing the overall design and colors, she lets the bees wax itself infuse, design, and control the painting by its flow.
“When we experiment with the unfamiliar, we stretch our understanding and access new areas of the painting process. How do we know what we are capable of doing if we limit ourselves only to familiar techniques? My paintings express the interconnection of life, experiences, a soulful presence, humor, and evolution into my spiritual life. I believe that we were born to create!”
Terisia Chleborad
Terisia’s paintings consist primarily of thin layers of cold wax medium mixed with oil paint in which layer upon layer are added them scraped and scratched away here and there with tools and solvents. She likes to create a visual texture reminiscent of surfaces found in the environment such as earth, rocks, and foliage.